
Global Change 1 Labs/Discussions
Fall Schedule


Updated  16 August 2024





Computer Room


Mon 5:30-7:30 

 Aadia Moseley-McCloud

3325 Dana


Mon 1-3

Sean Richards    

3325 Dana


Tues 9-11

Aadia Moseley-McCloud 

3325 Dana


Tues 1-3

Peri Cooper  

3325 Dana


Thur 9-11

Sean Richards

3325 Dana

All Labs Meet in 3325 Dana Building










Lab 1

26-30 Aug

Computer Room

I. "Challenges We Face" Reading and Discussion

II. Intro of Term Projects and Prospectus


Introduction to Critical Reading & Discourse – "The Challenges We Face" and "Defining Planetary Boundaries"

I. Read through the assignment completely because there are a number of activities you are required to complete before coming to class.

II. Before lab, explore the Project Resources Section at the bottom of this page. Think about topics you would like to explore further for your final project and bring ideas to class (also, look at the GC1 lecture topics for ideas).

-Word document in Canvas with writeup for "Challenges We Face"
(10 points)

(3 points)

13 points total



2-6 Sep

Take-Home Reading Assignment

Environmental Justice

Read both assigned articles, and answer one discussion question for each article.

-Word document in Canvas with writeup for "Making a planet worth saving" and "How geology can ease your mind"
(13 points)

13 points total


Lab 2

9-13 Sep  

Computer Room

Earth's Energy Balance Model

Earth’s Energy Balance Model

Read through the lab before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas. Include your models, graphs, and equations in your Word assignment.

-Questions, models, graphs, and equations
(10 points)

(3 points)

13 points total


Lab 3

16-20 Sep

Computer Room

Daisy World

Daisy World

Read through the lab before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

-Questions, models, graphs, and equations
(10 points)

(3 points)

13 points total


Lab 4

23-27 Sep

Computer Room

Natural Selection and Mutation: The Case of the Peppered Moth


Natural Selection and Mutation - The Case of the Peppered Moth

Read through the lab before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

Submit your model, equations and 10 graphs.

-Questions, models, graphs, and equations
(10 points)

(3 points)

13 points total


Lab 5

30 Sep - 4 Oct

Computer Room


Ecological Footprint

Ecological Footprint Activity and Assignment

Read through the activity before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

-Completed assignment
(10 points)

(3 points)

13 points total

*Project Idea/Description will be due week of 30 Sep in lab


Lab 6

7-11 Oct

Computer Room

 Group Project


Group Project Work

Bring the work you have done so far for your group project. Come prepared to work on your project with your group and bring questions for your GSI.

*Read the paper grading rubrics in "Project Instructions and Guidelines"



(3 points)

3 points total


Take home lab

14-18 Oct

Fall Break, no class Monday  

Science and the Media

Science and the Media Assignment


Find a Peer-Reviewed Journal Article to read and answer questions about. Turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

-Completed assignment
(10 points)

-No Attendance
(3 points given)

13 points total


Lab 7

21-25 Oct

Computer Room

Analysis of Vostok Ice Core Data

Analysis of Vostok Ice Core Data

Link to Vostok Data: VOSTOK DATA LINK

Read through the lab before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

-Completed assignment (10 points)


(3 points)

3 points total



Lab 8

28Oct - 1 Nov

Computer Room

The Global Carbon Cycle

Alteration of the Global Carbon Cycle


Read through the lab before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

-Completed assignment (10 points)

-Attendance (3 points)

13 points total


Lab 9

4-8 Nov

Computer Room

Long Term Climate Regulation

Long Term Climate Regulation

Read through the lab before coming to class. After class, turn in the completed assignment on Canvas.

-Questions, models, graphs (4), and equations
(10 points)

(3 points)

13 points total


Lab 10


11-15 Nov

Computer Room

 Group Project

Group Project Work

Bring the work you have done so far for your group project. Come prepared to work on your project with your group and bring questions for your GSI.

*Read the paper grading rubrics in "Project Instructions and Guidelines"

-Attendance (3 points)

3 points total



 Lab 11

18-22 Nov

Computer Room 

Group Project

Group Project Work

Same as previous week

-Attendance (3 points)

3 points total



No Lab

25-29 Nov

Thanksgiving Break  

Group Project

Prepare for Presentations

Prepare for Presentations




2-6 Dec

Computer Room

Student Presentations


Final Project Document Due. See Project Resources for details



(3 points)

125 points total (see rubrics below)





Project Timeline


   Due Date/ Meeting Time

1. Project Idea/Description

In lab, end of September, first of October

 2. Draft Paper

Friday, November 1

 3. Final Paper

 4. Presentation

Last week of labs



Project Resources

Project Instructions and Guidelines

Assignments, instructions, and rubrics; basically everything you need

Citation Guide Finding and citing relevant sources of information

LSA Reference

LSA Plagiarism and Collaboration Guidelines

Appendix 1

Reference 1

Generic Stella Models




Send feedback to the Global Change webmaster

All materials © the Regents of the University of Michigan unless noted otherwise.