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Human Impacts

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Every day, millions of humans and natural activities are altering the planet on which we live. Over the past century, through our ever increasing population and mastery of technology, we have been changing the global environment at a  pace unknown to natural history.

The University of Michigan's Global Change Program offers an interdisciplinary three semester introductory course sequence that investigates the causes and potential impacts of global change using a combination of  traditional lecture-based and modern web-based teaching methodologies.  The courses can be taken alone or in conjunction with companion courses toward completion of the Global Change Minor

In Global Change 2 - Human Impacts, students will study the recent, explosive growth of  the human population, and the impacts on land, air, and water resources and on biological  diversity produced by human advances in technology and institutions. The course  concludes by considering the political and policy considerations relevant to the transition to a more sustainable future.  In addition to discussions, hands-on simulations with Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS) are used to investigate the spatial impacts of these activities.